
by Interlitoral - Soluciones Inteligentes



- Why choose our software?Because our product is designed so that, through a simple interface, you can perform all tasks related to your company. The simplicity and flexibility of our application will allow better integration with its ERP software and thus facilitate customization to suit your needs.- Sales, fast responseGenerating sales documents and sending them remotely, it generates a rapid response valued by your customer. In this way, you will be able to meet the needs of your client without waiting for the return of the seller as well as surprise with price controls, as it will provide information personalized pricing and updated for each of them.- optimization of time and expenditureReduce their administrative costs and avoid errors. With our solution and pre-collection, you avoid the double burden by reducing their time billing. Your salespeople will not need to move your company to communicate their sales or to update your list of customers or prices.- Satisfied customersNow your customers will have accurate and real-time resulting in increased sales and better customer seller relationship /.- Centralized dataMOVINT allows you to keep updated on the center and on your device data. Send the information generated during the workday to the server to synchronize it with your ERP software with the tranquility that the sole owner of the data is you.